Monday, October 3, 2011

Direct Orders

rock out like its summer break forever, rock out like you did after your first kiss, rock out like you just found out tests were canceled... forever! rock out like you just got a license to drive as fast as you can, rock out like you just got the new call of duty, rock out like its a powder day at your favorite ski resort, rock out like its christmas morning.

Rock out like you just found out Superman is your dad!

rock out like your team just won the world cup, rock out like you just found out the tooth fairy, santa, and the easter bunny are real after all, rock out like its your 16th birthday, rock out like its the weekend

Rock out like that special someone just let you hold their hand, for the first time...


  1. this is so... high school. but i mean in a good way.

  2. I love your line about the first kiss, it gives a fun image :P Great job:)

  3. Haha! Superman is your dad! Awesome!

    Don't do drugs!
