Sunday, September 25, 2011

Life and Death

     I think I would just spend the day with my closest friends and family. saying goodbyes and reminiscing about good times, I'd settle disputes and arguments so i could be on good terms with everyone and also with god. i don't think i would eat because there would be no point. unless it was making me uncomfortable, then I would have a snack. if I went anywhere i wouldn't care what anyone thought because I'm gonna die anyways so who cares what anyone thinks. may as well be myself. I would probably play one last soccer game with my buddies too. that's how I would spend my last days on earth.


  1. This is very simple, but I don't think it needed anything else. Short and sweet.

  2. Agreed. This was very nice. Short and to the point. A+

  3. Eating is the best! But i know what you mean by how its worthless. cause there are so many other important things to do.
