Sunday, September 25, 2011

Life and Death

     I think I would just spend the day with my closest friends and family. saying goodbyes and reminiscing about good times, I'd settle disputes and arguments so i could be on good terms with everyone and also with god. i don't think i would eat because there would be no point. unless it was making me uncomfortable, then I would have a snack. if I went anywhere i wouldn't care what anyone thought because I'm gonna die anyways so who cares what anyone thinks. may as well be myself. I would probably play one last soccer game with my buddies too. that's how I would spend my last days on earth.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Boulevard of Broken Dreams

I walk alone, i walk alone, the air is hazy and very hot. the sky has a reddish tint to it. as i walk through the city streets, there's no one in sight, cars litter the road but they are all abandoned, some have smashed in windshields. there is trash and debris all over the streets.

I walk alone, i walk alone.

as i continue to walk i come across a park, the grass is brown and crunchy. the trees are all either dead or dying. there was a soccer field here once, now there is only one beat up rusty goal frame left. as i continue to walk i come across the house of an old friend, i go inside with the hopes of finding a friendly face, but there is no one. the house is a mess, things have been thrown about and broken, the doors are all ajar.

i walk alone, i walk alone.

as i walk back outside the wind picks up and trash from the streets starts to float around like a mini garbage tornado. i continue to walk, i notice a city limits sign signifying the end of the road. . .

I walk alone, I walk alone. . .

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Thinking about you

Sometimes I wonder if you think about me like I think about you. . .
I'm thinking about you like microwaves think about popcorn, like cars think about tires like tires think about asphalt. I'm thinking about you like pencils think about pens, like pens think about paper, like paper thinks about pencils. I'm thinking about you like instruments think about making music, like nerds think about math, like math thinks about numbers, like numbers think about X, like X thinks about what number it stands for this time. Im thinking about you like a football player is thinking about the big game, ten minutes before kickoff. Im thinking about you like the sun thinks about the clouds, like trees think about rain, like fire thinks about water. Im thinking about you like cops think about robbers, like robbers think about shovels, like shovels think about digging holes, like holes think about being filled. Like you fill the hole inside of me.
I'm thinking about you. . .

Friday, September 2, 2011

Que es amor?

Love is walking blind down a staircase, love is a walk through an autumn forest, love is a one way train ticket, love is a sucker punch to the gonads, love is a microwave, love is being stuck in rush hour, love is a seesaw, love is a roller coaster, love is an eminem song, love is salt on an open wound, love is . . .